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Fall Break Camp

October 9 - 13

Ages 6 - 11

Our Elementary aged fall break camp is designed for students and families looking for continued learning and nature-based activities over Sewanee's fall break. We will host a week long, full day camp from 8am to 3pm each day, exploring the Cumberland Plateau during one of the most beautiful seasons... autumn! Come learn and explore during the break with Cumberland Forest School.


This fall break camp experience is designed for elementary-aged students who are looking to engage, encounter and explore. Our week will begin with getting to know one another and learning more about the Cumberland Plateau. Place-based learning and engagement will determine our activities everyday - whether its trekking up creeks, hiking secret pathways, or experiencing farms & gardens on the Sewanee Domain. By the end of the week, your students will be able to tell you all about our local flora, fungus and fauna! Each day we will meet at Lake Cheston Pavilion, so be sure to pack your sweater & sense of adventure for our Fall Break Camp.


$300.00 per camper

Daily Schedule

8:00    -   Meet at Lake Cheston Pavilion

8:30    -   Morning game

9:00    -   Outside free play

9:45    -   Snack*

10:00  -   Hike & exploration

10:45  -   Sit-spots & mindfulness

11:00  -   Daily lesson & activity

12:00  -   Lunch*

12:30  -   Afternoon activity (creek-walking, canoeing, farming, hiking, crafting, etc. will be determined closer to camp date)

1:30    -   Free play

2:15    -   Snack*

2:30    -   Return to Pavilion

3:00    -   Dismissal


*Food not provided by CFS - please pack your own snacks & lunches

Autumn Foliage
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