Election Day Camp
November 8th, 2022
8am - 3pm
Election day is an important break that allows educators to vote in local elections. With our full day camp, we hope to help both teachers and parents of school-aged children (ages 6-11) participate in local government while offering dedicated and intentional care for their students.
We will spend our day outside, exploring our beautiful Tennessee forests, collaborating with fellow students through team-building activities and practicing mindfulness in the serenity of the outdoors.
Camp Schedule
8:00 - Meet at Lake Cheston Pavilion
8:30 - Morning game
9:00 - Outside free play
9:45 - Snack*
10:00 - Hike & exploration
10:45 - Sit-spots & mindfulness
11:00 - Nature-based Lesson & activity
12:00 - Lunch*
12:30 - Afternoon activity (farming, hiking, crafting, fort-building, etc. will be determined closer to camp date)
1:30 - Free play
2:15 - Snack*
2:30 - Return to Pavilion
3:00 - Dismissal
*Food not provided by CFS - please pack your own snacks & lunches